About the Link Forsyth Plan

Completed in the summer of 2021, Link Forsyth is Forsyth County's first-ever public transportation master plan. The plan was led by the County's Public Transportation Department and built upon the two existing services:  

  • Access Forsyth services that provide ride-share services by appointment to Forsyth County residents
  • Senior Services that provide transportation services to Forsyth County seniors and active adults

The plan guides the vision for and implementation of future public transportation investments in Forsyth County. It assessed the state of the county's transportation services and leveraged public input and technical data to formalize recommendations that built on existing services while addressing the shared vision for public transportation services within the County. 

The plan was funded in partnership with the ATL (Atlanta-Region Transit Link Authority), the transit planning authority for the 13-county Atlanta metro region. Link Forsyth's recommendations are anticipated to be incorporated into the Atlanta Regional Transit Plan (ARTP), which is managed by the ATL under the State of Georgia's regulations. 

Steps Taken to Accomplish the Plan

  • Inventory and assessment of existing conditions and trends
  • Identify vision, goals and priorities.
  • Identify short, medium and long-term needs.
  • Recommend fare policy
  • Make short-term and long-term recommendations.

Final Recommendations Report

The Final Recommendations Report includes two sections: the Existing Transportation System and the System Implementation Plan. The Existing Transportation System is an existing conditions report that provides background and context on Forsyth County's transportation services as of 2021. The System Implementation Plan outlines short-range, mid-range, and long-range recommendations for the County's 20-year vision. Please click here to access the report.

Executive Summary

The executive summary highlights the key takeaways from the Existing Transportation System and the recommendations from the System Implementation Plan in the Final Recommendations Report. Please click here to access the report.

Contact Us

We are happy to answer any questions! Email us at info@forsythco.com if you have any questions or concerns.