Advance Voting Information Guide
Advance Voting for the May 21 General Primary and Nonpartisan General Election will be offered to Forsyth County registered voters on weekdays, two Saturdays and one Sunday over a three-week period beginning Monday, April 29.
Election Overview. The general primary is held by the Democratic Party and the Republican Party to nominate candidates for public office to be voted on in the ensuing November General Election. The nonpartisan general election is held to elect those offices for which it has been determined by Georgia Election Code that the candidates shall not qualify with any political party. Georgia is an “open primary” state and voters do not register to vote by party. When a voter goes to vote in this election, they have three ballot types from which to choose: Democratic ballot type, Republican ballot type and Nonpartisan ballot type. Voters are encouraged to review each ballot type by going online to or Sample ballots will also be available for review at each polling place.
Additional information pertaining to the May 21 General Primary and Nonpartisan General Election, including voting options, Election Day polling places and precincts, and sample ballots can be found in the Forsyth County Voter Information Guide available at or by clicking here.
Advance Voting times and locations vary by date. Below is a list of options for all Advance Voting:

Monday, April 29, through Friday, May 3 – one location only
8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- Forsyth County Voter Registrations & Elections Office (1201 Sawnee Dr.)
Saturday, May 5 – one location only
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Forsyth County Voter Registrations & Elections Office
Sunday, May 6 – one location only
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Forsyth County Voter Registrations & Elections Office
Monday, May 6, through Friday, May 10 – four locations
8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- Forsyth County Voter Registrations & Elections Office (1201 Sawnee Dr.)
- Hampton Park Library (5345 Settingdown Road)
- Midway Park Community Building (5100 Post Road)
- Sharon Springs Park Community Building (1950 Sharon Road)
Saturday, May 11 – four locations
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Forsyth County Voter Registrations & Elections Office
- Hampton Park Library
- Midway Park Community Building
- Sharon Springs Park Community Building
Monday, May 13 through Friday, May 17 – four locations
8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- Forsyth County Voter Registrations & Elections Office
- Hampton Park Library
- Midway Park Community Building
- Sharon Springs Park Community Building
Voting in person. All Forsyth County registered voters may take advantage of Advance Voting in person at any of the Advance Voting locations regardless of where they are assigned to vote on Election Day. Throughout the three weeks of Advance Voting, Forsyth County residents can view a digital map displaying the current estimated wait times for all Advance Voting locations by visiting
On Election Day, Tuesday, May 21, voters go to their designated Election Day polling place to cast a ballot. All Election Day polling places will be open for voting on Tuesday, May 21, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Please note that there is no voting at any location on the Saturday, Sunday or Monday prior to any election.
For all in-person voting, voters must bring one of the six acceptable forms of photo identification. For details, visit the Voter Registrations & Elections Department page of the Forsyth County website at or call (770) 781-2118.
Voting via absentee ballot. Another option for voting available to voters who are unable to vote in person is to request an absentee ballot be mailed to them. Forsyth County registered voters can apply for an absentee ballot online, by mail or by emailing a scanned copy of their signed application to the Voter Registrations & Elections Office at The last day to submit an absentee ballot application and the last day the Voter Registrations & Elections Office will issue absentee ballots by mail for the May 21 General Primary and Nonpartisan General Election is Friday, May 10.
For more information regarding the May 21 General Primary and Nonpartisan General Election, visit the Voter Registrations & Elections Department webpage at or call (770) 781-2118.