Good afternoon D4 constituents. Thank you for subscribing to this
monthly newsletter. If you have questions, please advise.
July is a month that many of us focus on the freedoms we enjoy in America. We celebrate in different ways but many express by spending time with our families and and friends. I encourage you to join with me in thanking our public service providers such as our military enlistees, our public safety professionals and health care providers for all that they do to make our world better and safer. As with the threat of COVID and the lawlessness of rioters, we see just how fragile our world can be and how important each of their jobs are in creating a safe environment to live and to thrive in. We all long for a safe and stable world for all ages of our population.
I want to thank the folks who have supported me and put me in this position for a third term. I vow to be a true public servant and to keep you informed. If you have any suggestions on how I can better inform you, please let me know. If your neighborhood would like to do a zoom meeting to get updates, I would be more than happy to do so.
God bless each of you and God bless America!