Copyright 2024 by Forsyth County, Georgia

What is Public Engagement?

Public engagement affords residents an opportunity to have their voices heard when land use changes are proposed in the county. It is a required and integral part of the zoning process.

Through use of notifications and public meetings, we strive to keep citizens informed of pending applications and upcoming public meetings and hearings.

Types of Applications

Alternate Design: A request for a design not meeting all of the non-numerical standards of the applicable Overlay District and requires approval through the public hearing process.

Conditional Use Permit: A request for a land use that is not allowed by right within the current zoning district and requires approval through the public hearing process.

Home Occupation Permit: A request to allow a business to operate from a residence and requires approval through the public hearing process.

Mobile Vending Permit: A request to allow the operation of mobile vendors on parcels of land permitted for such use and requires approval through the public hearing process.

Rezoning: A request to change land use from one zoning district to another and requires approval through the public hearing process.

Sketch Plat: A request for review of a detailed site plan of a proposed development prior to construction in order to ensure development compliance with county ordinances and regulations and requires approval through the public hearing process.

Zoning Condition Amendment: A request to modify approved zoning conditions and requires approval through the public hearing process.

The Process

Most applications begin the public engagement process one month after initial submittal.

The following items are required to be submitted:

  • Application form
  • Concept plan
  • Public participation plan
  • Other documentation as indicated in the Forsyth County Unified Development Code

Meetings and Hearings

Public Participation Meeting
The applicant is required to hold a meeting locally to allow adjacent property owners to learn about the proposal, ask questions and have their concerns documented. Staff neither conducts nor appears at this meeting, but the applicant is required to submit a report on what occurred during the meeting.

Planning Commission Public Hearing
Open to the public. This meeting is to address pending applications via the public hearing process. The Planning Commission will make a recommendation to the Board of Commissioners for approval or denial. Public hearings are required by state law.

Link to Planning Commission information

Board of Commissioners Meeting
Open to the public. There is an opportunity for public comment for rezonings or Conditional Use Permits twice during the meeting when the public may address any county-related issues. Ten speakers are permitted to address the board for up to three minutes each. The commissioners are at liberty to make a final decision on each application on the agenda during the meeting.

Link to Board of Commissioners information

Meeting schedules and documents may be accessed online via Meeting Announcements and Participation Details

Public Signage

Signs advertising public meetings are posted along each public street bordering the subject property. The following information can be found on each sign:

  • Application number
  • Description of the application proposal
  • Date, time & location of the public participation meeting

Public Participation Meeting signs are posted a minimum of 10 days prior to the meeting.

Mailed Notification: Letters notifying surrounding neighbors located within 500 ft. of the subject property are required to be mailed by the applicant prior to the public participation meeting. Planning staff provides the list of individuals and subdivisions to be contacted.

  • Application number
  • Description of the application proposal
  • Date, time & location of the public participation meeting

Public Hearing signs are posted a minimum of 21 days prior to the hearing for Conditional Use Permits, Rezoning, and Zoning Condition Amendments.

Public Hearing signs are posted a minimum of 30 days prior to the hearing for Alternate Design, Home Occupation Permits, Mobile Vending Permits, and Sketch Plats.

Details related to the application number noted on the signage may be accessed online via our Customer Self Service (CSS) Portal: CSS Portal


Public hearings are advertised with the Forsyth County News at least 15 days prior to the hearing for Conditional Use Permits, Rezoning, and Zoning Condition Amendments.

Public hearings are advertised with the Forsyth County News at least 30 days prior to the hearing for Alternate Design, Home Occupation Permits, Mobile Vending Permits, and Sketch Plats.

How to Get Involved

  • Attend meetings
  • Speak at planning commission public hearings
  • Contact your elected and appointed officials

Be Informed

GIS Viewer:  Specific locations of pending public hearing applications may be accessed online via the GIS viewer.  Once a specific public hearing application is selected via the map,  a hyperlink linking to the CSS portal noted below is provided for the specific application selected.  

Customer Self Service (CSS) Portal:  Application documentation may be accessed online via our CSS Portal: CSS Portal

County Website: Agendas for public hearings are posted on the county’s website approximately two weeks prior to the meeting.

Contact Your Officials: Additional contact information can be found on the county's website: